La 6 Défi : 3 courses


The organization of the 6000D offers

La 6Défi

Complete 3 races from Thursday to Saturday

La 6 Découverte (11km) on Thursday, La 6D Lacs (30km) on Friday and La 6D Marathon (43km) on Saturday

AAwardses description :

La 6 Découverte

La 6D Lacs

La 6D Marathon

Registration :

A race pack is offered to you in the registration tab with a preferential rate

Lien pour consulter les tarifs

Regulations :

Before registering you must consult the regulations for each race

Règlement de la 6 Découverte

Règlement de la 6D Lacs

Règlement de la 6D Marathon

Route and roadbook :

La 6 Découverte

La 6D Lacs

La 6D Marathon

Ranking :

Your ranking would be established with the cumulative times of each race

Awards :

Espoirs to M2
1st, 2nd and 3rd Women and Men
M3 and +
1st, 2nd and 3rd Women and Men