
The 6000D is organised by the Tourist Office with support from the municipalities of Aime la Plagne, Macot la Plagne, Bellentre and the Société d’Aménagement de la Plagne.

The event

The 6000D is a wilderness event, taking the trails of the Grande Plagne through the Bobsleigh Olympics track and the Bellecôte Glacier.
The event is a one-step, 3-person freestyle event with Plagne Centre for the passage of the relay N° 1 then 2 Time barriers at the Col de la Chiaupe (return) at 1.15 p.m. and at Plagne Bellecôte at 3 p.m. for the passage of the relay and a time barrier at Montchavin at 4.30 p.m. for 69km with an altitude difference of 3400m (D + ) from the Basilica of Aime.
The route is marked with specific signage: markings on the ground, tape and wooden panel. Departure at 5.00 am from Aime on Saturday July 27, 2024

  • 1ère Section Aime / Plagne Centre : 20.9km – 1555m (D+) – 253m (D-)– 1 barrier in Plagne Centre at 10.00 am
  • 2ème Section Plagne Centre / Plagne Bellecôte : 26.4km – 1706m (D+) – 1763m (D-) – 2 Barrier in Col de la Chiaupe (retourn) at 1.15 pm and in Plagne Bellecôte at 3.00 pm
  • 3ème Section Plagne Bellecôte / Aime : 20.5km – 189m (D+) – 1434m (D-)– 1 Barrier in Montchavin at 4.30 pm

The age limit for running the 6000D in the 3-man relay is 20 years old (in the year 2004) for section 2 and 18 years old (in the year 2006) for sections 1 and 3

A qualifying event 2024

The 2024 6000D in relay to 3 will be a UTMB Index

UTMB Index races no longer award points but allow runners to have a valid performance index and be part of the UTMB Index ranking. Qualifications for UTMB races are now based on each person’s UTMB Index performance index and the number of Running Stones collected on World Series by UTMB races

Website : Courses UTMB Index

Website : UTMB World Series

ITRA assessment for 2024

La 6000D en relais à 3 – 2024

Entry conditions

To take part, it is essential that:

  • you are fully aware of the distance and specific nature of the event and are fully trained for it
  • before starting the race you have achieved an effective level of autonomy enabling you to deal with the problems inherent to this type of event, notably:
  • the ability to tackle the potentially difficult weather conditions due to the altitude (night, wind, cold, rain or snow) without assistance
  • the ability to cope with the physical and mental problems resulting from extreme fatigue, digestive problems, muscle or joint pain, small injuries, etc.
  • that you are fully aware that it is not the role of the organisers to help a runner to deal with these problems
  • that you are fully aware that in such “nature” events, safety depends on the runner’s ability to adapt to problems that they encounter or anticipate.

Dogs are not allowed with the runner


This race is open to anybody, male or female, born in or before 2004 according to section, licensed or not.

  • Men
  • Women
  • Mixed

Information: The age limit for running the 6000D in the 3-man relay is 20 years old (in the year 2004) for section 2 and 18 years old (in the year 2006) for sections 1 and 3

Classifications and prizes

In the 6000D in relay 3 people, only those runners who reach the finish in Plagne Centre, Bellecôte or Aime will be classified.

All the results will be on line at

  • Scratch MIXED team: 1st, 2nd and 3rd
  • Scratch WOMEN team: 1st, 2nd and 3rd
  • Scratch MEN team: 1st, 2nd and 3rd

Medical certificate or license

This year we are entrusting the management of supporting documents to Dokeop, a document management platform (medical certificates, sports licenses, …) designed to make your life easier when registering for competitions.

As for the accepted licences :

  • Athlé Compétition, Athlé Entreprise, Athlé Running or “Pass’ J’aime Courir” issued by the FFA and with a valid date.
  • A sports licence, valid on the date of the competition, issued by one of the approved federations and on which must appear, by any means, the non-contraindication to the practice of sport in competition, athletics in competition or running in competition.

How does it work?
You will no longer be asked to provide a medical certificate or a copy of your licence when you register online for the event.

1/ Once you have registered for the event, you will receive an email from Dokeop inviting you to submit your document on its platform.
Please note: the email from Dokeop is sent to the email address you used to register for the event. Also remember to check your spam.
At any time, it is possible to receive a new document submission link from the email address you used to register for the event. Just go to the Dokeop homepage (click on “submit a document”) or directly to the link renewal page.
2/ As soon as your document is checked, Dokeop will inform us of its status (valid / refused / awaiting document / awaiting validation) so that we can update and, if necessary, finalise your registration.
Please note: The creation of a Dokeop member account is not mandatory to submit your document. However, we advise you to do so if you wish to benefit from all the advantages (recognition of your document for your next registrations / secure storage / reminder before expiry / personalised dashboard)
If you have any questions or complaints regarding the processing of your document, please consult the Dokeop FAQ.

Medical certificate template

Use Dokeop’s medical certificate template generator to guarantee the validation of your supporting document for any type of sports competition or licence application.

For any claim related to the verification of your supporting document, we invite you to contact the Dokeop teams directly at the following address:

Rules of the race
The Organizer entrusts DOKEOP SAS with the management of supporting documents via its application. Its missions to the organizer are :
– Collecting the supporting documents of the participants registered for the sporting event
– Verify that these supporting documents comply with the rules of the sporting
event and the legislation in force.
– Regularly follow up by email the participants who have not yet submitted their supporting documents.
– Communicate the status of each verified supporting document to the organizer of the sporting event: valid / invalid / missing
– Archive these supporting documents on a secure server
To finalize his registration for a sporting event, the participant receives an email from Dokeop inviting him to submit his application document within a time limit set by the organizer of the event. The use of the application implies the immediate and unconditional
acceptance of Dokeop’s terms and conditions.
It must then follow the link to the Application. He is free to create a member account or not.
The Application is independent of the Sports Event Registration Platform used by the organizer.
The Participant guarantees the accuracy of the data transmitted as well as the authenticity of the supporting document when it is submitted. In the absence of accuracy and/or authenticity of the Supporting Document, the Participant may not claim either against DOKEOP SAS or against the Organizer, particularly in the event of an accident occurring during his participation in a sporting event.
DOKEOP SAS reserves the right to refuse any document that it would consider suspicious and possibly falsified with regard to a bundle of clues. It is reminded in this respect that the production of a false medical certificate constitutes an offence of forgery and use of forgery: article 441-1 of the Penal Code punishes this offence with a sentence of up to three years
imprisonment and a fine of up to 45,000 euros

Semi self-sufficiency

We expect competitors to compete as semi self-sufficient individuals.
In particular:
Refreshment stations are supplied with drinks and food to be consumed on site. The organisation provides still and sparkling water, sweet drinks, Pulco for filling water bottles or bags. You will also have fresh and dried fruit, soup, sugar, sweet and salty biscuits and cheese.
The rider must ensure that at the start of each feeding station he has the necessary quantity of water and food to reach the next feeding point. You must have a zipped bag to put your food in at the refreshment posts.

Maximum number of runners

250 teams

Cancelling your registration

We offer you at the end of your online registration to subscribe to cancellation insurance with Beticketing with MutuAide (11.53% of the amount of the registration), in case of unforeseen and / or accidental impossibility to participate in the event , just go back to your runner’s area (until July 25, 2024) and ask for a refund.

You will be refunded 80% of the registration amount in the days following the event and without having to provide proof. Attention, the cancellation insurance covers only the registration and not the paid options subscribed in the form.

More information here:

You ensured your bib when you registered and you need information? Please contact Assur Connect on

No bib numbers can be exchanged (between races or competitors). and no resale is allowed.
Piece of identity required for the withdrawal of the bib and individually.


MANDATORY and will be checked at the start and during the race

  • Mobile phone
  • Reusable cup or flask
  • a zipped bag to put your food at the feeding station
  • Headlamp (runner going up in Plagne Center) Relay N°1
  • Snow stamps / trail crampon –  (put on over your shoes for the runner who goes down )Relay N°2
  • Whistle
  • 500ml of water
  • Survival blanket
  • A waterproof and breathable long jacket. It can be very cold at high altitude!
  • your 4 safety pins or other hooks for the bib

Strongly recommended :

  • water supply and food
  • gloves
  • glasses
  • cap or other

Hiking poles are allowed.


Bibs are handed out individually to each competitor, as long as they provide an identity document and the bib card which will be sent a few days before the event.
If you have registered before the end of June 2024, your name will be on your bib.
Bibs must be worn on the chest or stomach and must be fully visible at all times during the race. It must therefore be worn outside all clothing and must not be attached to a bag or a leg. The sponsors’ name and logo must not be altered or hidden.
You must bring your own safety pins to attach your number in accordance with the regulations.
Bibs will be distributed in Aime (start of the race)
– Thursday July 25 2024 from 9 a.m. to 6.30 pm
– Friday 26 July 2024 from 9 a.m. to 7 pm
– Saturday July 27, 2024 from 3:30 a.m. to 4:30 am
 On presentation of your withdrawal carte and an identity card

Safety and medical assistance

There will be 10 first aid posts set up at various points along the course. These posts will be in radio or telephone contact with race HQ.  A regulation medical team will be at race HQ in Aime throughout the whole event.
The first aid posts are there to assist anybody in danger using the organisers’ own means or those of the public health service.
It is up to a runner who is in difficulty or seriously injured to call the rescue service:

  • by going to a first aid post
  • by calling race HQ. The phone number will be in your bibs
  • by asking another competitor to alert the rescue service

It is each competitor’s responsibility to assist anyone in danger and to alert the rescue service.
Remember that all sorts of unexpected occurrences, related to the weather or the race, can result in you waiting for rescue longer than expected. Your safety will therefore depend on the quality of what you have in your bag.
A competitor calling a doctor or a member of the rescue service subjects himself de facto to their authority and undertakes to accept his decisions.
Members of the rescue service following medical advice and the official doctors are in particular empowered to:

  • retire any runner incapable of continuing in the event (by cancelling the number) .
  • evacuate runners they consider to be in danger using any means at their disposal .

Checkpoints and feeding stations

All runners must pass through the 8 checkpoints and 5 feeding stations (food and water, see section on semi self-sufficiency) and 3 water stations (see course technical information table).
A dedicated space for personal supplies will be set up in the area.
Only runners wearing a visible number and who have been duly checked will be allowed into the feeding stations.
The technical information table will show an exact list of the feeding and water stations andbariière first aid posts.

Maximum time allowed and time limits

No limit time but last hourly barrier to Montchavin at 4.30 pm (km54)

  • 1st Section Aime / Plagne Centre : 20.9km – 1560m (D+) – 255m (D-) – 1 time barrier in Plagne Centre at 10 am
  • 2nd Section Plagne Centre / Plagne Bellecôte : 27.3km – 1730m (D+) – 1790m (D-) – 2 time barrier at Col de la Chiaupe (return) at 1.15 pm and to Plagne Bellecôte at 3 pm
  • 3rd Section Plagne Bellecôte / Aime : 20.5km – 190m (D+) – 1435m (D-) – 1 time Barrier in Montchavin at 4.30pm

The 4 time limits are calculated to allow runners to reach the finish in good physical condition.
To be allowed to continue the event, competitors must leave the checkpoint before the set time.
Any competitor withdrawn from the race who wishes to carry on can only do so after handing in his bib and on the understanding that he does so under his own responsibility
In case of bad weather and/or for safety reasons, the organisers reserve the right to stop the event, change the route or to change the time limits.

To be allowed to continue the event, competitors must restart the refueling before the time limit of the time barrier.
Any competitor put out of the race and wanting to continue his course will be able to carry it out only after having restored his bib, under its own responsibility and in complete autonomy.
In case of bad weather conditions and / or for security reasons, the organization reserves the right to stop the race in progress, to modify the time barriers or the route.

Additional information runners 6000D relay:
Relay race by team of 3 peoples with bib at Plagne Centre and Plagne Bellecote, at the control zone and water point
The course section of each rider must be defined at the registration     

Section A: Aime / Plagne Centre: 20.9km – 1560m (D+) – 255m (D-)
Section B: Plagne Center / Plagne Bellecote: 27.3km – 1730m (D+) – 1790m (D-)
Section C: Plagne Bellecote / Aime: 20.5km – 190m (D+) – 1435m (D-)
– Runner “B” will be able to go to the relay zone via the free shuttles from Aime from 5:30 a.m.
– Runners “A and B” may not, under any circumstances, continue the race, beyond the relay zone, with their bib.
– If runner “A or B” has to give up, runner “C” will be able to complete his section, starting from the relay zone at 10:00 a.m. in Plagne Center or Plagne Bellecote at 3:00 p.m. Their times will be recorded but the team will not be ranked.


It is possible to have a shower on finishing in the locker room of the Gymnase in Aime (200m from the start).
Only competitors will have access to the showers.

Retirement and return to the start

Except in the case of injury, competitors can only withdraw at a checkpoint. They must notify the person in charge of the checkpoint who will cancel their number.
The person in charge of the checkpoint will decide how they will get back to the start, according to the following general rules:

  • buses are available from Plagne Bellecôte and Montchavin to take competitors who have retired or who have not complied with the time limits (10.00am at Plagne Centre, 1.00pm at La Chiaupe and 3.00pm at Bellecôte and 4.30 at Montchavin)
  • runners who retire at other first aid posts or feeding stations but who do not require evacuation must get to the nearest return point by their own means and as quickly as possible.
  • In the case of feeding stations and first aid posts that can be reached by car or 4-wheel drive vehicles, the organisers may, when the post closes and depending on the means available, take runners who have withdrawn and are still at the post back to the start
  • if  unfavourable weather conditions justify the partial or total stopping of the race, the organisers will ensure that runners who have been stopped are taken back to the start as quickly as possible.

The sweeper can cancel the bib of any competitor he meets that wants to withdraw. The competitor is then no longer under the organisers’ control.


Race stewards on the course and people in charge of checkpoints and feeding stations are authorised to enforce the regulations and to impose immediate disqualification in case of infringement, subject to the following rules:
Automatic disqualification will be applied in the following cases:

  • If you are out of time at a time barrier you will also need to return your bib to the postmaster or race director
  • Refusal to pass through the start to activate the electronic chip
  • Cutting a corner to make a significant shortcut
  • Dropping litter (deliberately) by a competitor or a member of his entourage
  • Lack of consideration for individuals (officials or competitors)
  • Not assisting someone in difficulty
  • Cheating (example: using means of transport, sharing a bib …)
  • Failure to carry an electronic chip
  • Failure to pass through a checkpoint
  • Refusal to comply with an instruction from race management, a race steward, the person in charge of a checkpoint or feeding station, a doctor or a member of the rescue service
  • Refusing a drug test
  • Starting from a checkpoint outside the time limit
  • Any other infringement of the rules will incur a sanction to be decided by the race jury

Drug testing

Any competitor may be subjected to a drug test during the event or at the finish. In the event of refusal or non-compliance, the athlete will be sanctioned as though he had been convicted of drug-use.

Alteration to the course or the time limits / cancellation of the race

The organisers reserve the right to alter the course and location of the first aid posts and feeding stations at any time and without notice.
Should the weather be too bad (heavy rain or snow at altitude, high risk of storm, etc.) the start may be delayed.
In case of bad weather and for safety reasons, the organisers reserve the right to stop the event, change the route or alter the time limits.
In case of cancellation of the event for all causes, no refund will be possible (a possible postponement of part of the registration fee may be considered for the following year)


Civil liability:

The organisers takes out civil liability insurance for the duration of the event. This insurance covers the financial consequences for which they, their officials and the participants are responsible.

Clic here

Individual accident:

Each competitor must have personal accident insurance covering possible search and rescue costs in France.

Road book: technical information table

The table can be downloaded from the web site. It includes plans of the course and useful information such as time limits and location of feeding stations, first aid posts, and treatment stations. Supporters can go and watch the runners at the places indicated

Image rights

According to Article L333-2 of the Sports Code, “the organizers of sports events […] are the owners of the right to use the events or competitions they organize.”

The participants are informed that the association of the Tourist Office of the Big Plagne, holder of the rights of exploitation of the different races 6000, can be led to photograph and / or film the event in order to promote the future competitions . This shooting can be done by flying over the Phantom2 studioSport remote-controlled aircraft on the courses of the different races.
The image of the participants captured during the event can be freely distributed by the Office du Tpirisme de la Grande Plagne, subject to
• there is a link between the image and what it illustrates
• the image does not affect the dignity of the person
• this distribution is not made for commercial purposes.

The 6000D is a legally registered trademark. Any communication about the event or the use of images of the event must be done in accordance with the name of the event, registered trademarks and with the official agreement of the organization.

No photo sale of the event of the 6000D can be made without the approval of the Clerk of the Course.

Acceptance of the race regulations and charter

Taking part in the 6000D implies unreserved acceptance of these race regulations and charter below :

The competitors, volunteers, organisers and their sponsors are all taking part in the same adventure and share the same values:


The rules are designed for everyone and apply to everyone in exactly the same way.
No cash endowments and all entrants receive the same prize and  all finishers get a gift Finisher.

Respecting people

Respecting yourself and others by not allowing cheating of any sort
Respecting the volunteers who are also taking part for pleasure
Respecting the local population who are hosting the race
Respecting the organizers and their sponsors

Sharing and solidarity

Making it a priority to help anyone in danger or difficulty.

Testing your limits

Learning to know yourself and becoming independent so that you can go to the limit while respecting your physical and moral integrity.

Respect for our planet

Never throwing anything on the ground.
Respecting the flora and fauna.
Not cutting corners and causing erosion.
Favouring public transport and car sharing for yourself and your supporters.

You will need to provide your reusable foldable cup because there will no longer be a disposable cup on the supplies to limit waste.
Sorting bins are placed in large numbers on each refueling station and must be used.